The National Association for Family Childcare, in collaboration with Wheelock College of Boston, Massachusetts, developed in 1994 a system of accreditation designed to promote and recognize high quality in family childcare by:

DEFINING STANDARDS of quality in the field of family childcare

HELPING PARENTS AND POLICY-MAKERS recognize high quality childcare

PROMOTING PROVIDERS' SELF-ASSESSMENT and professional development

MOTIVATING PROVIDERS to put training into practice

SERVING AS A CORNERSTONE in state development systems

  Accredited Providers

Kathy Alexander Lilburn, GA (Expires 2013)

Association for
Child Development Associate (CDA) This credential is awarded in the United States to those who have completed a list of requirements, including 120 hours of training, set forth by the Council for Professional Recognition, and who have successfully passed the verification visit to work with Infants/Toddlers or Preschoolers. There are several settings toward which a CDA can be awarded: Center-based Infant/Toddler, Center-based Preschool, Family Child Care, Bi-lingual, and Home Visitor. This is now an entry-level credential for early care and education providers.  CDAs must be able to work with parents and children, and be competent in 17 Functional Areas, as outlined by the Council for Professional Recognition. 


Chris Briscoe, Lawrenceville, GA (Expires 2014)
2011 GAYC Conference Photos